Bahais’ involvement in crimes and immoral acts
Bahaism is a very dangerous (ultra-rightwing) Stalinist cult with ties to some of the most nefarious (usually reactionary ultra-rightwing) political forces and actors of the past one-hundred odd years. They maintained close ties with the Pahlavi dictatorship and were also heavily involved with the Shah's secret police SAVAK; one of their so-called hands of the cause, Enoch Olinga, was a personal friend to Ugandan dictator Idi Amin and it was as a result of the anti-Amin coup d'etat whereby he and his family lost their lives in 1979; members of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Chile served in the junta cabinet of Augusto Pinochet; current uhj member Farzam Arbab was a close friend to leaders of the Peruvian Maoist Shining Path Communist terrorist organization and modelled the Baha'i Ruhi Institutes on South American Communist indoctrination cells; and, of course, the Baha'i organization maintains the closest of relations with the political machinery and intelligence establishment of the state of Israel, not to mention the regimes of the corrupt Gulf Arab sheikhdoms and the House of Sa'ud.
Baha'is have now been involved in the following crimes:
1) Tax evasion
2) Medicaid-Medical fraud
3) Food stamp fraud by Iranian refugees
4) Non-profit Baha'i fraud
5) Racism
6) False claim of genocide when 200 Baha'is killed in 25 years (out of
6 million Baha'is)
7) Murders- of Azalis , of NSA member of Iran, of Iranian Refugee in
8) Money laundering
9) False claim of charity- when UHJ spent **not a penny** for ongoing
charitable endeavours
10) Use of underage child labor for the purpose of carpet weaving
11) Sabet cleaning up the NawNahalan Bank account- at the tunes of 3
billions USD
12) Massive opium trade by the family of the prophet Bab (called
13) Lack of accounting of the Huququllah trust
14) Asking starving African children to contribute to the Arc- instead
of helping them and feeding them
15) lack of disabiltiy accessible facilities at the ARC- Baha'i
Disneyland Haifa
16) Incest committed by NSA member of Peru
17) False imprisonment of Baha'i Incest victim by NSA-ABM in Peru
18) Sex for Visa business run by Baha'i "pioneer" in Pakistan- until
caught by government-UN.
19) attempt at infiltrating Indian Nations in Canada (secret document
from UHJ)
20) Attempt at converting people of power to Baha'ism
21) Violation of US Tax laws- evidenced by embezzlement by LSA of
22) Embezzlement by LSA of New Mexico (lawsuit filed)
23) Sex for Baha'i conversion scheme in case of Steve of OHIO
24) More criminal activities- later including Dr. Kelly
Sourced from:
4. Italian Baha’i Community:
5. Espionage and Embezzlement :
6. Bahais In My Backyard :